Old Glory Pay
America’s first cancel-proof payment platform.
Private. Secure. Cancel-Proof.

It’s fast, safe, and above all else, private.
Sadly, cancel culture has found a home at other banks and payment apps. Accounts are being closed, and transactions are voided simply because of what a customer lawfully says or does.
That’s why Old Glory Bank created its own payment system called Old Glory Pay.™ It's a faster, safer, cancel-proof way to make payments. Old Glory Pay lets you send payments to other Old Glory Bank customers without that transaction ever passing through the hands of a third party who could cancel you for any reason. Funds are settled immediately. There is no waiting period for your money to clear.
When you use Old Glory Pay, your financial transactions stay within the Old Glory Bank eco-system, so you have the comfort of P-S-L
(Privacy. Security. Liberty.)
(Privacy. Security. Liberty.)
Logging into Old Glory Pay is easy. Just use the same username and password as your Old Glory Bank account. Download the Old Glory Pay app to get started.