Larry Elder

The Sage from South Central, Old Glory Bank co-founder Larry Elder is a New York Times best-selling author, award-winning documentary filmmaker, and one of the best-known media figures in America today. “The Larry Elder Show,” heard every weekday in all fifty states and on over 300 radio stations, embraced the American principles of personal responsibility and public accountability.

In his words: “The question is not which party has my back, but which party can get government off our backs—so that we might all realize our God-given capabilities.”

Larry was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles; his family’s story represents the American Dream. His father was born in Athens, Georgia, served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II, moved to California, and eventually opened his own restaurant—Elder’s Snack Bar. Larry’s mother, from Huntsville, Alabama, was a clerical worker for the US Department of War during World War II and raised three boys as a stay-at-home.

After running for Governor of California in 2021 in a recall election and securing 3.5 million votes, he ran for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2024 election. His latest book is As Goes California—My Mission To Rescue The Golden State And Save The Nation, available in the Old Glory Bank Store.